Pico books

This page was last updated : 05-Jul-22 22:32:50

The Raspberry PI foundation has put a lot of effort in documenting the Raspberry PI Pico MCU, the SDK etc to help you get started with the PI pico. But of course in no time there where a lot of  books out there to help you start or help to get more in depth. Most of the books are for programming the PI Pico in MicroPython but some are also about programming in C/C++. Although I'm a C/C++ programmer I also bought a few which use MicroPython as there main programming language. 


IBEW Know Stuff Sticker

For starters : 

"Get Started with MicroPython on Raspberry Pi Pico"


A hands on by example in MicroPython book aimed at the beginner in the microcontroller world which can be bought for Euro 10,00 and even be download in PDF for free.  

TODO : add personal comments 

Specially for Radio amateurs : 

"Raspberry Pi Pico for Radio Amateurs: Program and build RPi Pico-based ham station utilities, tools, and instruments"


A book specially with lots of examples in MicroPython dedicated for radio amateurs published by Elektor (Euro 34,95).

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RP2040 in C in detail and by examples : 

"Programming The Raspberry Pi Pico In C" 


A more in depth book on the why, how, what you can do with the RP2040 MCU from I/O press. There are is a Errata for this book and the listing of the programs can be found here.

Personally I like this book a lot and find it a good addition to the C/C++ SDK document in PDF or MicroSite from Raspberry PI foundation. The examples are to the point and well documented. 

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