Soldersmoke DCR challange
This page was last updated : 06-Mar-25 22:23:28
As loyal follower of the Soldersmoke podcast, I was aware of the SolderSmoke DirectConversionReciver Challange (check out the dedicated discord server channel) and end February 2015 I decided that I was going to take it on. But as so many things, I wanted to go my own way with it and give it PH2LB twist. So I decided I wanted to use own designed 3D printed part like the "A ACTION glue stick holder for a PTO.".
After a few hours thinking about what I would be needing, I sat down and used Tinkercad to draw variouse parts like :
- a speaker holder
- a set of glue stick holders
- a 9V battery holder
- a variable resistor stand
- a BNC chassis part stand
- a stand for the on/off switch and a DC jack.
And using my 3D printer I materialized the parts to real life objects.
Part 1 : the PTO.
And after a evening playing around with component setups, part 1 "The joy of oscillation" was ready.
Because I didn't have the correct Silver Mica capacitors yet, the frequency isn't for the 40 meter band.
My local supplier didn't have a wide range of Silver Mica capacitors, so i had to look for another supplier wich I found in the Dutch web shop from Tonefactory. They are specialized in parts for building or restoring guitar tube amplifiers. And they sell a large collection of Silver Mica Capacitors in various values. So I ordered a set of various values and Tuesday they already got delivered.
Update 2025-03-04 afternoon
Because my PTO uses the glue sticks, the capacitors would have different value vs the original 660pF. I used 12 turns on the my glue stick and used a combination of 100pF / 220pF parallel. I hotglues a piece of rond 15mm and 36mm length copper tube as Permeability material in the insert.
With these values I get frequency range from 6.852 to 7.580 MHz. Which perfectly covers the 40m hamradio band and the 41m broadcast band.
Hmm it's clipping, what did I do wrong???
Update 2025-03-04 evening
This distortion was getting under my skin. So I sat down looked at the schematic, verified the components and could figure out what I have done wrong.
So after measuring all various parts again, replacing the FET 2 times (did I have a bad stock?), I started to replace R6 with different values, and at some point I was getting improvements.
The best I could get out of it was replacing it with 47 ohm and removing the C21.
This did give a nice stable signal, although some distortion in the negative part of the signal, it was much better then I had and even the harmonics are much better this time.
For testing I hooked up a 40dB attenuator (nice 50 ohm RF load) to my TinySA to measure the spectral harmonics.
But was still curious where the distortion came from, so I used my scope to look into the points mentioned below to get a idea if the distortion was already in the signal or due to the buffer part.
- CH1 is the LO output (loaded with a 47 ohm resistor).
- CH2a is the original oscillator signal
- CH2b is the oscillator signal after decoupling C4
Screenshot below is whowing CH1 vs CH2a, so the buffer inverts like expected but also doesn't have a gain but some attenuation (half the signal).
Screenshot 2 is showing CH1 and CH2b, same as CH2a so my conclusion is that the distortion is all ready in the oscillator part. So I can shift my investigation to that.
But enough for this evening.
Update 2025-03-06 evening
I dropped a message with the image above on the Soldersmoke discord server and with a few hours from Tony VA3ZOT telling me that it looked fine and with the mixer attached it would change again. Andy KB7ZUT confirmed that he had the same kind of harmonics and that the signal was absolute good enough to put the mixer to work.
Part 2 : the mixer
Now knowing that the PTO was within specs, I constructed the diode ring mixer and wanted to test it with a dual signal generator (aka controlled environment) to see it worked.
So I hooked up my Rigol DG1022, configured CH1 as the RF source with a 1.2 KHz modulated AM signal and CH2 as the LO oscilator.
Using a 50 Ohm resistor to have a little load on the ring mixer, I injected the modulated RF signal at RF-IN (L7) and LO signal on LO-IN.
I hooked up my Rigol DS1054Z to the RF signal (by a T-adapter) to CH1, the LO signal to CH2 and the AUDIO to CH3.
Because the RF and LO where on the same frequency, the AUDIO was instantly "decoded".
Shifting the LO signal a few tenth of Hz immediately showed a degrees of the signal and mixing products appeared. So the mixer was working as expected.
Next step was to hook up the PTO and try to tune into the 7 MHz RF signal.
And after a bit tuning around I got the hang of it and got a nice kind of stable AUDIO signal.
So the first 2 stages are ready. Next step will be band pass filter.
But that one for another evening.
To be continued. . . . .
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